Do you accept reservations?

Yes, we accept reservations. Please call us or book online through our website.

What are your operating hours?

We are open from 08:30 AM to 09:00 PM, 7 days weekly. Holiday hours may vary, so please call or check our website for specific information on those dates.

Do you Give Diving specialties Courses?

Yes, we offer an array WRECK, DEEB, NIGHT, NITROX and many more call us or send us on our email if you want to know more about it or you can go to courses section on our website

Is parking available at the Diving center?

Yes, we have a parking lot adjacent to the Diving center, and street parking is also available. Valet parking is offered on weekends.

Do you offer a free drinking water and sun cream?

Absolutely! You can get a free water in our diving center and also at the beach. and sun cream is available, but you have to pay Extra fee.